Contemplating a Shift

I'm mulling over a potential change in my task management routine. I've been a loyal Todoist user for a while now, but the allure of Things 3 is hard to resist. So I figured I’d take a moment to compare and contrast these two productivity titans as I contemplate making the switch. After all, why not turn this into content?

Why I Love Todoist:

  1. Cross-Platform Flexibility: One of the reasons I've stuck with Todoist is its seamless transition between my various devices. Being able to access my tasks from various operating systems has been a game-changer for my workflow.

  2. Collaboration Capabilities: Todoist's ability to assign tasks and track progress among my team members has been great especially in my aim to be completely asynchronous (or at least as async as possible).

  3. Customization Galore: I've grown accustomed to Todoist's customization options, from projects to tags, priorities, and filters. It's allowed me to tailor my task management experience to my ever-evolving needs.

Why Things 3 is Tempting:

  1. Elegance in Design: As someone who appreciates aesthetics, Things 3's visually pleasing and intuitive interface has caught my eye. The elegant design feels refreshing.

  2. Apple Ecosystem Integration: I've always been partial to Apple devices, and Things 3's seamless integration with other Apple apps and devices is nice; it's like they're speaking the same language.

  3. No Subscription Hassle: The one-time purchase model is appealing. I appreciate not having to worry about recurring subscription fees.

The Verdict: To Switch or Not to Switch?

As I weigh my options, I'm faced with a tough decision. Todoist has been a reliable companion, especially for work-related tasks and team collaboration. Its versatility and cross-platform functionality have been pivotal in keeping me organized.

However, Things 3's allure is undeniable. Its elegant design, natural language input, and Apple ecosystem synergy are incredibly tempting. The thought of simplifying my task management experience with a tool that feels tailor-made is enticing.

In the end, it's about balance. While Things 3's design and integration are appealing for personal tasks, Todoist continues to shine in the professional realm. Perhaps a hybrid approach, using both tools for different aspects of my life, could be the solution.

So, the verdict remains elusive for now. I'll continue to explore the possibilities and see how Things 3 could complement my existing workflow. After all, in the world of productivity, it's all about finding what works best for you. Stay tuned for more updates on this potential switch!

Jonathan Tom
Born in 1979, I've been around long enough to know better but not long enough to be expected to act reasonably. That's what I tell myself anyway...

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